What does it mean to be a Lion?
As a member of the Summit Lions Club,
you become aware of the needs of our community and have the advantage to effectively make a difference. Our club provides volunteers with project management assistance, leadership training, personal development opportunities, and organized fundraising programs. Being a Lion empowers you to help others in a way that no one person could alone.
Now more than ever, people with vision problems, the environment, our senior community, our youth and the disadvantaged around the world need your help. You can make a difference. By participating in the Summit Lions Club, you can help meet pressing needs in our community and around the world.
Summit Lions are respected citizens of the community. We realize that only through the proper organization can Lionism achieve its greatest goals. We give willingly of body, time, energy, and substance to assist the community and the needy.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”